Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Impression of Bassanio- Act 1

·         Bassanio's character is of a very ambitious young man. He asked his very close friend; who was a rich merchant to lend him money. Bassanio told him of his plan of choosing a casket- to win the hand of Portia. However, it didn't look like he was interested in marrying Portia, but only interest in her wealth. He already borrowed money from Antonio a couple of times and failed to return it. That is why Bassanio told him that I know you've invested on me and I lost it, and if you lend me the money a second time, I will promise to bring back the money; if not the first batch, 
    at least the second one. Even though Antonio doesn't mind lending him the money and 
    will happily do anything for Bassanio; it seems like Bassanio uses Antonio solely for his wealth. Antonio can’t lend money since he put up all his money and fortune in overseas ventures, and his ships won’t return for the next two months. As a result, Antonio and Bassanio have to ask a Jew merchant for the loan. Antonio and Shylock come to an agreement that if the 3000 ducats isn't returned by 3 months, Antonio has to give up a pound of his flesh. This shows the sacrifice of Antonio for Bassanio- as Bassanio takes advantage of his so called friend. In my opinion, Bassanio has no faithful affection towards anyone. He doesn't really value Portia for her character, but mostly for her wealth. He hasn't done anything for his friend’s happiness; but his friend put his life on the line for Bassanio. I am not saying that Bassanio is a cruel, young man; but, he has no real affection towards anyone but himself, and that is what I dislike about him.