Sunday, October 21, 2012

My First Impression of Shylock- Act 1

Shylock is a cruel man who is prejudice towards all Christians.  He has an evil force from the beginning of the book itself towards these people. He is shown as an aggressive, demanding character who is very particular about religion and interference with anyone else but Jews. But at the same time, he doesn't mind talking to Christians for business or any other economic reasons; but clearly states that he doesn’t want any personal connection with any Christian:

I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you,
Walk with you, and so following.
But I will not eat with you, drink with you,
Nor pray with you.
Jews had to wear a red hat whenever they were outside of the Ghetto.

 But you can clearly see he that he doesn't want to dine with them, eat with them, or pray with them. His powerful language and insightful intelligence causes him to overcome his petite appearance. My first impression of him was that why is he so mad and cruel; but as the drama progressed, I understood the reason to his aggressiveness. This is because he is hated by the Venetians, discriminated for his religion, culture, occupation, and even betrayed by his daughter; as she fell in love with a Christian. You can clearly see why Shylock is so desperate for revenge; it is a natural result of his circumstances.

When Antonio and Bassanio asked Shylock for the 3000 ducats; Shylock questions them why he should lend them money in the first place:

Fair sir, you spat on me on Wednesday last,
You spurned me such a day, another time
You called me dog; and for these courtesies
I’ll lend you thus much moneys?

Antonio abuses Shylock in public and disrespects him; so, Shylock asks why he should give them the loan. Since Shylock’s nature is to take advantage of the situation, he makes the bond that if the 3000 ducats isn't repaid by 3 months, Antonio has to forfeit a pound of flesh. In my opinion, Shylock is my favorite character in the book. This is because of his powerful language, hard heart, and his slyness. 


  1. Your article was worth reading and made me understand Shylock more

  2. Your article was worth reading and made me understand Shylock more

  3. this is not a good report but i like it.

  4. Thank you all! I was only in 8th grade when I wrote that. So it means a lot to me that you all found it helpful! :)
